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Reverse Mortgage Florida Condo Lenders

How To Get a Reverse Mortgage on a Florida Condo?

Interested in a reverse mortgage for your Florida condo? Reverse mortgages on Florida condos have become a popular financial tool for 55+ looking to tap into their home equity without selling their home. Florida condo owners have been neglected when it comes to cashout options on their Florida Condos. Its aging retiree population and increasing condo cost, present a unique opportunity for 55+ Florida condo owners to cash out they desperately need. 

The Reverse Florida Condo Lenders product opens up possibilities to borrowers whose needs, or qualifications, don’t quite fit the HECM design. Let’s take a closer look at the back.

Minimum age: 55*
Live in the home as a primary residence
Complete a financial assessment and counseling
Minimum credit score 600
FHA or FNMA condo approval is preferred.
Additional condos may be approved.


  • Loan amounts up to $4M
  • Larger limits don’t have to mean larger loans
  • Minimum age 55*
  • No monthly mortgage payment is required
  • No MIP
  • All available funds are distributed at close
  • Can use funds to pay off debt to qualify
  • Can use loan proceeds (as income) to qualify
  • Non-recourse loan

Our Proprietary Reverse Florida Condo Lenders is unique and is Not built on an FHA platform, think of FNMA guidelines a Conventional approach to Underwriting/Appraisal. 

  • There’s no minimum value or loan amount and we lend up to 4,000,000
  • On Refi’s NO Income docs is needed for a qualifying credit score 780 or above, we can waive Residual income requirements (need insurance in place for 12 months) and satisfy credit history
  • Borrowers with lower value/loan amounts can benefit from this product as well if they would like max cash at closing
  • For Condos that are not FHA approved, FNMA approved or Warrantable project (we need the Reverse Florida Condo Lenders Questionnaire completed by HOA, Master Policy and insurance for a limited review)
  • Borrowers that do not have enough income/assets to meet the Residual Income Requirements Or if they don’t have ANY income but have a huge Reverse proceed, we can solely use to qualify and can paid off debt at Closing
  • Fast Underwriting turn time (average 3 weeks from Submission to Clear to Close)

General Program Parameters
Loan Terms Fixed rate, single disbursement, lump sum
Draw Amounts No minimum or maximum up to loan amount
Eligible States All licensed states except:

Prop Not Allowed in Following States: IA, MD, TN, WI

Use of Proceeds Purchase or Refinance
Borrower Counseling Reverse Mortgage counseling required
Servicing Fee None

Borrower Eligibility

Eligible Borrowers • US citizens,

• Permanent resident aliens,
• Inter Vivos Revocable Trust,
• Non-Permanent Resident Aliens (with conditions)

Ineligible Borrowers • Foreign nationals,

• Limited partnerships, general partnerships, corporations
• Non-occupant co-borrowers,
• Non-borrowing spouse
• Other Non-borrowing persons
• Irrevocable Trusts
Property Eligibility

Existing Mortgages • All outstanding mortgages and liens on the subject property must be
paid off through the settlement of the reverse mortgage.
• No subordinate financing permitted

Seasoning Requirement • The existing reverse mortgage being refinanced must have closed and
disbursed a minimum of twelve (12) months prior to the Reverse Florida Condo Lenders disbursement

Property Values • Minimum Value – None (Properties <$400k require 2% origination fee)

• Maximum Value – None
Eligible Property Types • Single family residence
• Owner-Occupied 2-4 units
• Townhomes
• Condominium (FHA and FNMA Approved or FNMA warrantable projects
under a Limited Review process)

Occupancy • Primary Residence

• Occupied by borrower(s) for the majority of the year (183 days)
• Address of record is for such activities as income tax reporting,
voter registration, and similar functions
Repairs • Repair set asides are not permitted

• Any noted repairs that may impact the structural integrity of the subject
property and/or the health and safety of the occupant(s) must be completed
satisfactorily prior to closing.

Appraisal Requirements • Appraiser must be state-registered. FHA approved appraisers are

strongly recommended.
• One (1) appraisal with UPB up to $1,000,000 plus independent CDA or
equivalent Desk Review.
• Two (2) Appraisals with UPB $1,000,000 or greater. Lower of two will be used.
CDA or equivalent Desk Review required on appraisal being used.
• Appraisal is valid for 120 days
• Appraisals must be completed in compliance with FIRREA/USPAP requirements
• Declining Market – 5% PLF Reduction

Minimum Loan Amount • None
Maximum Loan Amount • Maximum Loan Amount: $4,000,000 (higher amount may be considered on

exception basis)
Credit Requirements
Credit Report • Tri Merge credit report for all borrowers
Minimum Mid Credit Score • 600*

*additional credit requirements 600-640

Credit History Mortgage History
• 0x30 in last 12 months
• 2×30, 0x60 in last 24 months
• Chapter 7 – Must be discharged (3) years from loan application date.
• Chapter 13 – Must be discharged (3) years from loan application date.
• Chapter 11 – Must be discharged (3) years from loan application date.
• Foreclosure – None in past three (3) years.
HOA/Property Tax:
• Must be current with no arrearages
• 1×30, 0x60 in last 24 months

The Lender must evaluate borrower(s) willingness and capacity to meet their financial obligations
and to comply with the mortgage requirements.

• The minimum qualifying credit score is 600 for all borrowers.
• For minimum qualifying credit scores between 600-640, additional credit requirements
• The qualifying credit score is determined by taking the middle score from all three (3)
repositories reporting. For this example, the score used to qualify is 720.

Includes review of public records concerning property, mortgages, property tax payments and
property charges (HOA/Condo/PUD fees, ground rent and other assessments)

Any open state or federal tax lien appearing on the credit report must be satisfied.
• Evidence of payment in full, if paid prior to settlement; or
• Payoff statement, if paid at settlement

Chapter 7,11,13: Must be discharged (3) years from loan application date.

Mortgage history, on the subject property (if applicable), must reflect the following, if applicable:
• 0x30 in last 12 months
• 2×30, 0x60 in the last 24 months

No foreclosures on any property, in past three (3) years of loan application date.
Borrowers with any history of the following are not eligible unless there is at least a minimum of
two (2) years re-established credit history:
• Multiple bankruptcies -two (2) or more
• Loan modification
• Short sale
• Deed-in lieu of foreclosure

When the qualifying credit score is below 640, the following additional criteria apply:
• No major derogatory credit within the previous 12 months of credit report.
• All accounts reporting on credit report must be current.
For the purpose of this section, Major Derogatory credit shall include:
• Any payments on Revolving or Installment Debt that are 90 days or more after the due
date (1×90), or three or more payments 60 days or more after the due date (3×60).
• Non-medical collections or charge offs in excess of $2,000 within the past 24 months.

All property charges must be current and there are no property tax arrearages. In addition, no
more than:
• 1×30 in last 24 months

Effective Income refers to income that may be used in the calculation of residual income. Effective
income must be reasonably likely to continue through at least the first three years of the
mortgage. The lender must document the borrower’s income and employment history, verify the
accuracy of the amounts of income being reported, and determine if the income can be considered
as effective income in accordance with the requirements listed below. The lender is only required to
verify the amount of income needed to qualify under the Residual Income Test.
The lender may only consider income if it is legally derived and, when required, properly reported
as income on the borrower’s tax returns.
Negative income must be subtracted from the borrower’s gross mo

nthly income and not treated as
a recurring monthly liability unless otherwise noted.

The lender must obtain the most recent paystubs covering a minimum of 30 consecutive days that
show the borrower’s year-to-date earnings, and one of the following to verify current employment:

Originated: 11/21 Revised: 08/23 Pg. 14
• A written Verification of Employment (VOE) covering two (2) years; or
• An electronic verification covering the same time period.
Re-verification of employment must be completed within ten (10) days prior to mortgage
disbursement. Verbal re-verification of employment is acceptable.


US Citizen
• Permanent Resident Alien: A permanent resident alien is a person who is not a United
States citizen but is legally able to maintain permanent residency and employment in the
United States. A permanent resident alien may be eligible as a borrower, if the borrower is a
holder of an alien registration card (green card) with a valid Social Security Number.
• Non-Permanent Resident Alien: A non-citizen who holds employment in the United
States but does not have a green card.
• A borrower who is a non-permanent resident alien may be eligible provided:
o the borrower has a valid Social Security Number (SSN), except for those employed
by the World Bank, a foreign embassy, or equivalent employer identified by HUD.

the borrower is eligible to work in the U.S., as evidenced by the Employment
Authorization Document issued by the USCIS; and
o the borrower satisfies the same requirements, terms and conditions as those for U.S.

A borrower residing in the U.S. by virtue of refugee or asylum status granted by the USCIS is
automatically eligible to work in this country. The Employment Authorization Document is not

required, but documentation substantiating the refugee or asylum status must be obtained. Non-
U.S. citizens without lawful residency in the U.S. are not eligible.

Inter Vivos Revocable Trust: An inter vivos revocable trust that has an ownership interest in the
security property is an eligible borrower.


Foreign National: A foreign national is a person who is not a United States citizen and who lives
and works outside the United States.
Limited Partnership, General Partnership, Corporation, or the like: Business entities that
are separate and distinct from individual ownership.
Non-Occupant Co-Borrower: A non-occupant co-borrower is an individual who will not be living

in the subject property, but whose profile has been used to qualify for the loan. Although the co-
borrower does not occupy the subject property, s/he is jointly responsible (with the primary

borrower) for repaying the loan.
Non-Borrower Spouse: The NBS is defined as the spouse of the reverse mortgage borrower
determined by the law of the state in which the spouse and borrower reside or the state of which
they were married.
Other Non-Borrower Persons: All individuals vested on Final Title must be a borrower on the
Irrevocable Trust: An irrevocable trust cannot be changed or canceled once it is set up without
the consent of the beneficiary. Contributions cannot be taken out of the trust by the grantor.


In compliance with Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act which requires U.S. financial institutions to
verify the identity of a customer when opening an account, lender/originator must obtain
identifying documentation from each borrower. Lender/originator must also verify the borrower(s)
date of birth and Social Security Number.
Acceptable identification (ID), as follows:

• State issued driver’s license
• State issued ID card
• Military ID card
• Passport
• U.S. Alien Registration Card
• Birth Certificate
• Written verification from the Social Security Administration Evidence of Social Security
• Social Security card (plastic or metal cards are not acceptable)
• Social Security 1099
• Form W2 or 1098
• Written verification from the Social Security Administration


Contact information for the borrower’s alternate contact/nearest living relative must be obtained,
as follows:
• First name and last name
• Address
• Phone number (cannot be the same as the borrower’s phone number)
• Relationship to Borrower(s)


A borrower may only have one outstanding reverse mortgage at any time, whether it is an FHA-
insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) or a proprietary reverse mortgage.

Title must be in the borrower’s name:
• At the time of application for a refinance transaction, and
• At the time of closing for all transactions.

• The title is vested in the name of a business or corporation whereby the borrower has full
ownership. Must be in borrower(s) name at closing.
• The borrower is a beneficiary from an estate or trust vested on title. Must be in borrower(s)
name at closing.
• The borrower is the spouse of the current vested owner. Must be in borrower(s) name at

• A primary residence is defined as a borrower spending at least 183 days of the calendar
year at the subject property.
• Non-owner occupied, and investment properties are not permitted.

All reverse mortgage refinances must provide a clear benefit to the borrower(s). To confirm a
benefit, the loan must pass BOTH the Closing Cost Test and the Loan Proceeds Test.

• An OFAC report is required for all borrowers.
• If a party to the loan is found to be on the OFAC list, the loan is ineligible under this

In order to pass the Loan Proceeds Test the Available Benefit Amount from the new CHOICE loan,
defined as the amount of proceeds (Principal Limit) that is available to the borrower after deducting
the prior refinanced loan balance AND the closing costs paid by the borrower(s) on the CHOICE
loan, must equal or exceed 5% of the refinanced Principal Limit amount.

On a case-by-case basis, at written request of the borrower(s), an exception to the above Benefits
Test may be granted only if a clear benefit can be demonstrated. All exceptions to the benefits test
above must be reviewed and approved by the Lender.
The written request must state the following:
• Their benefit is less than five (5) times the amount of their closing costs and/or their
available loan proceeds do not increase by at least 5%.
• Indicate they still wish to move forward with the loan.
• Demonstrate a benefit to the borrower(s) by proceeding with the transaction.
Examples of Acceptable Benefits are below (must receive approval):
• Adding an eligible spouse to the loan;
• Reducing the interest rate by a minimum of 1% from previous transaction (proceeds cannot
decrease and borrower cannot bring funds to close).
• Receiving in excess of $20,000 in net proceeds needed by borrower(s) for current financial
• Other Benefits to borrower as demonstrated in the written request.

The existing reverse mortgage being refinanced must have closed and disbursed a minimum of
twelve (12) months prior to the CHOICE disbursement date.
On a case-by-case basis, at written request of the borrower(s), an exception to the seasoning
requirements may be granted only if a clear benefit can be demonstrated. All exceptions to the
seasoning requirements must be reviewed and approved by the Lender.
The written request must state the following:
• Acknowledge 12 months have not elapsed since the pervious reverse mortgage closed and
• Indicate they still wish to move forward with the loan.
• Demonstrate a benefit to the borrower(s) by proceeding with the transaction.


Independent reverse mortgage counseling is required for all borrowers with a vested interest at
closing. Power of Attorney or Guardian/Conservator must be counseled on behalf of any
borrower(s) or vested owner(s) that are legally incompetent. The lender must not accept a final
and completed application or assess any fees on the borrower/applicant without first receiving a
copy of the completed counseling certificate signed by the counselor and borrower.


• Counseling agencies may charge a fee for reverse mortgage counseling.
• The counseling fee must be paid up front by the applicant(s) and cannot be financed
into the loan.
• Lender/originator cannot pay counseling agencies directly or indirectly for reverse
mortgage counseling services through either a lump-sum payment or on a case-by
case basis.


The following counseling agencies are permitted to perform counseling for any borrower seeking
the CHOICE program:

Cambridge Credit Counseling 888-764-7460
Consolidated Credit Solutions 800-728-3632
Debt Helper 800-920-2262
GreenPath Debt Solutions 877-385-1941
Money Management International 866-834-0428
National Foundation of Debt Management 888-738-8233
Project Sentinel 888-339-6043
QuickCert 888-383-8885
Spring Board/Credit.org 800-294-3896
Horizon Counseling Inc. 888-315-4326


Upon completion of the counseling session(s), the counseling agency issues a counseling
certificate, as follows:
The certificate must contain each of the following:
• Borrower(s) Name(s), Power of Attorney, Guardian/Conservator, as applicable
• Subject property address
• Name of the counselor
• Name of the counseling agency
• Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the agency
• Date counseling completed
• Manner in which counseling was completed (face-to-face/ telephonic)
• Certificate expiration date
The certificate must be signed and dated by all applicants and/or their representatives.

This section includes information concerning certain documents contained in the application


• All documents must be signed and dated by the appropriate parties.
• Initial disclosures must be sent at or within three (3) days of application. Documents
containing a specific interest rate(s), such as the Comparison of Products, must reflect the
rate(s) in effect on the date of disclosure.
• The MLO signs both the initial Loan Application and final Loan Application.
• All state disclosure requirements must be adhered to.


An initial application may only be taken by a licensed Mortgage loan Originator (MLO) who holds an
active license in NMLS for the state the property is located, or are sponsored by a federally
chartered institution in the subject property state. The MLO consults with the borrower to explain
program options, discuss eligibility, provide a Counseling Referral List, and collect the necessary
information to produce the initial application package to submit to the borrower.


For purposes of initial disclosure requirements, the file is considered an application when the
following data is obtained and an intent to proceed is given:
• Borrower and Co-Borrower’s Name, as applicable
• Borrower’s monthly income (all borrowers)
• Borrower’s Social Security Number (all borrowers)
• Borrower’s Date of Birth (all borrowers)
• Property address
• Estimate of the value of the property
• Interest Rate
• Product Type/Margin
• Principal Limit
The application may be in writing or electronically submitted, including a written record of an oral
application (e.g., via telephone).


For Reg B purposes, the application is considered a “completed application” upon receipt of all
information needed to provide a decision on the loan. Smartfi defines this date when the following
items have been received:
• Fully executed and completed written application package
• Fully executed counseling certificate
• Identification documents including verification of DOB, SSN
• Credit Report
• Income/expense documentation
• Asset documentation
• Power of Attorney/Guardianship paperwork (if applicable)


55 in the following states  AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, MI, MT, NM, OH, OR, PA, SC, UT


"Thomas went above and beyond to get our mortgage approved. We had a couple of "hiccups" with our VA financing and Thomas was able to get them resolved ... more "
by lbaze2008
"I was hesitant to utilize someone from the internet to obtain my home loan. I even let my real estate agent talk me into going with someone local ... more "
by rmac333
"Thomas martin was a great help with our mortgage . it was a stressful time in our life , but Thomas remained calm through out the whole process which ... more "
by zuser20140303145114251












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